numcl - Lispy clone of numpy

Version: 0.1
Licence: LGPL
Repository: numcl/numcl - Github
See also: awesome-cl#numerical-and-scientific

This documentation was possible due to the excellent official documentation.

In case of any errors here, please create an issue.


This is a Numpy clone in Common Lisp. At the moment the library is written in pure Common Lisp, focusing more on correctness and usefulness, not speed. Track the progress at .


  • Closely follow the numpy API, but still make it lispy.
    • Delegate the documentation effort to Numpy community.
  • Replace the Common Lisp array interface.
    • We do not deviate from the traditional symbols/idioms in Common Lisp unless necessary. Therefore we provide symbols that conflicts the Common Lisp symbol. Math functions become aliases to the original CL functions when the inputs are not arrays.
    • See doc/ .


  • APIs are provided as functions, not macros.
    • It is a design flaw otherwise.
    • This does not mean the API is functional — we use procedural code.
  • Still, zero overhead.
    • The APIs are simply the wrappers over simple functions and designed to be fully inlined.
    • Optimization will be done on the compiler side, not by macros.
  • Operations are type-correct.
    • They always return arrays of the most specific array-element-type. For example,
    • (zeros 5) returns a bit vector.
    • (asarray '(1 2 3)) returns an (unsigned-byte 2) vector.
    • See doc/ .
  • NUMCL Arrays are CL arrays.
    • As this library aims to extend Common Lisp (not to replace part of it) in a compatible way, we do not introduce custom structures/classes for representing an array.
    • See doc/ .


NUMCL depends on the following libraries that must be installed manually and other libraries that are automatically loaded by quicklisp.

With Roswell, installation can be done by

ros install numcl/constantfold numcl/specialized-function numcl/gtype numcl/numcl

This library is at least tested on implementation listed below:

  • SBCL 1.4.12 on X86-64 Linux 4.4.0-141-generic (author's environment)
  • SBCL 1.5.1 on X86-64 Linux 4.4.0-141-generic (author's environment)
  • CI tested on CCL, ECL.

Dependency graph:


Array Representation

NUMCL arrays are merely the displaced multidimentional arrays and no classes or structures are used.

However, in order to guarantee speed and simplify implementation, arrays given to numcl functions must satisfy the following two conditions:

  • Be a specialized array. Things of type (array single-float), (array (unsigned-byte 16)) etc.
  • Be an array displaced to a simple 1D specialized array. "Simple array" means a non-displaced, non-adjustable array without fill pointer.

There are a few ways to create the required arrays:

(reshape (arange 4.0) '(2 2))
(asarray #2A((0.0 1.0) (2.0 3.0)))
(asarray '((0.0 1.0) (2.0 3.0)))
(asarray '(#(0.0 1.0) #(2.0 3.0)))
(let ((a (zeros '(2 2) :type 'single-float)))
  (dotimes (i 2)
    (dotimes (j 2)
      (setf (aref a i j) ...))))

The names and the parameters of numcl functions mostly (rather strictly) follows the numpy counterpart. There are even numpy names, such as dtype, which are just aliases for array-element-type.

See API Reference for the complete list of functions. Optionally, see Array Representation Details if required.


NUMCL defines several symbols which have names identical to the corresponding CL symbols. We call them conflicting symbols. To avoid confusion in the code base, we use 3 packages:

  • NUMCL.IMPL: (internal package) for implementing numcl.
  • NUMCL.EXPORTED: (external package), for storing the numcl exported symbols,
  • NUMCL: package, that replaces COMMON-LISP package by shadowing-import symbols from NUMCL.EXPORTED on top of COMMON-LISP package.


In NUMCL, there is no ratio type: - CL prohibits ratio to have a denominator 1 (e.g. 3/1), and thus the operations on ratios are not closed. - No implementations provide a specialized array for rational. - Ratio computation requires an additional simplification phase (e.g. 2/4 -> 1/2) which does not finish in a constant number of operations and is incompatible to SIMD operations.

As a result, ratios are always converted to *numcl-default-float-format*, which is single-float by default. This means that / always returns a float array (except atomic numbers are given).

We also force irrational functions to always return floats, by coercion. (Implementations are allowed to return rationals for certain constants, e.g. (sin pi).)

(array bignum) does not exist either. However, when the result of numerical computation causes a fixnum overflow, it signals an error instead of overflowing silently.

For complex arrays, only (complex *-float) exists (for each float type). Both complex integers and complex ratios are converted into floats. This is because CL does not allow rational complex with imagpart 0 (cf., thus the numerical operation always coerces the result into reals. This prevents us from having (ARRAY (COMPLEX FIXNUM)).

This may be contrasted with that in Common Lisp as provided.


example.lisp contains a script that you can explore the functionality implemented so far in NUMCL.


As stated on the section on Packages, NUMCL exports all the symbols in package CL, along with the ones with numcl.exported. Therefore, here, we only list the symbols exported by numcl.exported.


Function: (* &rest args)




Function: (+ &rest args)




Function: (- first &rest args)


Function: (/ first &rest args)




Function: (/= x y)


Function: (1+ array)


Function: (1- array)


Function: (< x y)


Function: (<= x y)


Function: (= x y)


Function: (> x y)


Function: (>= x y)


Function: (abs x)


Function: (acos x)


Function: (amax array &rest args &key axes type)


Function: (amin array &rest args &key axes type)


Function: (arange &rest args)

Arange's argument signature is irregular, following the API of numpy. The interpretation of its arguments depends on the number of arguments.

(arange stop &key type) (arange start stop &key type) (arange start stop step &key type)

Don't worry, we provide a compiler-macro to avoid the runtime dispatch.


Function: (aref array &rest subscripts)

An extended aref that accepts ranges as lists, similar to numpy's array access. For a 3D array x,

  • range
x[1:5,2,3]   = (aref x '(1 5) 2 3)
x[2,1:5,3]   = (aref x 2 '(1 5) 3)
x[2,1:2:5,3] = (aref x 2 '(1 2 5) 3)
x[2,1:,3]    = (aref x 2 '(1 t) 3)
x[2,:1,3]    = (aref x 2 '(t 1) 3)
x[2,:,3]     = (aref x 2 '(t t) 3)
x[2,:,3]     = (aref x 2    t   3)
  • insufficient axis
(aref x '(1 5)) == (aref x '(1 5) t t)
(aref x 2 '(1 5)) == (aref x 2 '(1 5) t)
  • newaxis
(aref x '(1 2 5) nil 2 3)
  • ellipsis
(aref x '- 2) = (aref x t t 2) = x[...,2]
(aref x 2 '-) = (aref x 2 t t) = x[2,...]
(aref x 2 '- 3) = (aref x 2 t 3) = x[2,...,3]
(aref x 2 3 '-) = (aref x 2 3 t) = x[2,3,...]




Function: (argwhere array fn)

Returns a list of the multidimentional indices of the elements which satisfies the predicate FN. Note that the list elements are the multidimentional indices, even for a single-dimensional array.


Function: (array-index-from-row-major-index array row-major-index)

Takes a multidimentional array and a row-major-index. Returns a list containing the normal index.


Function: (asarray contents &key type)

Copy CONTENTS to a new array. NOTE: ASARRAY is SLOW as it recurses into the substructures. When CONTENTS is a multidimentional array, its elements are copied to a new array that guarantees the NUMCL assumption. When CONTENTS is a nested sequence, it is traversed up to the depth that guarantees the sane shape for an array. When elements are copied, it is coerced to TYPE. When TYPE is not given, it is replaced with the float-contagion type deduced from the elements of CONTENTS. It may return a 0-dimensional array with CONTENTS being the only element.

For example:

;; a vector of two lists.
(asarray '((1) (1 2)))               -> #((1) (1 2))
;; a 2D array of 4 lists.
(asarray '(((1) (1 2)) ((3) (3 4)))) -> #2A(((1) (1 2)) ((3) (3 4)))

(asarray '((1 2) (3 4)))    -> #2A((1 2) (3 4))
(asarray #(#(1 2) #(3 4)))  -> #2A((1 2) (3 4))
(asarray #((1 2) (3 4)))    -> #2A((1 2) (3 4))

However, this behavior may not be ideal because the resulting shape could be affected by the lengths of the strings.

(asarray #(#(1 2) #(3 4)))   -> #2A((1 2) (3 4))
(asarray #(#(1 2) #(3 4 5))) -> #(#(1 2) #(3 4 5))

(asarray #("aa" "aa"))   -> #2A((#a #a) (#a #a))
(asarray #("aa" "aaa"))  -> #("aa" "aaa")

As a remedy to this problem, we allow TYPE to be a specifier for vector subtypes. Providing such a type specifier will keep the leaf objects (e.g. strings) from split into individual elements. We don't allow it to be a multidimentional array [at the moment.]

(asarray #(#(1 2) #(3 4))   :type '(array fixnum (*))) -> #(#(1 2) #(3 4))
(asarray #(#(1 2) #(3 4 5)) :type '(array fixnum (*))) -> #(#(1 2) #(3 4 5))

(asarray #("aa" "aa")  :type 'string)    -> #("aa" "aa")
(asarray #("aa" "aaa") :type 'string)    -> #("aa" "aaa")

(asarray '((1 2) (3 4))   :type '(array fixnum (* *)))  -> error


Function: (asin x)


Function: (astype array type)


Function: (atan x)


Function: (avg array &key axes)


Function: (bernoulli p &optional shape)

Returns a bit array whose elements are 1 with probability P


Function: (bernoulli-like a)


Function: (beta a b &optional shape (type
                                     (union-to-float-type (type-of a)
                                                          (type-of b))))


Function: (binomial n p &optional shape)


Function: (broadcast function x y &key type (atomic function))

For binary functions


Function: (ceiling number &optional (divisor 1))



Function: (cis x)


Function: (clip array min max)


Function: (concatenate arrays &key (axis 0) out)


Function: (conjugate x)


Function: (copy array)


Function: (cos x)


Function: (cosh x)


Function: (denominator x)


Function: (diag a &optional result)

Return the diagonal element of a matrix as a vector




Function: (dtype array)


Function: (einsum subscripts &rest args)

Performs Einstein's summation. The SUBSCRIPT specification is significantly extended from that of Numpy and can be seens as a full-brown DSL for array operations.

SUBSCRIPTS is a sequence of the form (<SPEC>+ [-> <TRANSFORM>*] [-> [<SPEC>*]). The remaining arguments ARGS contain the input arrays and optionally the output arrays.


The first set of SPECs specifies the input subscripts, and the second set of SPECs specifies the output subscripts. Unlike Numpy, there can be multiple output subscripts: It can performs multiple operations in the same loop, then return multiple values. The symbol -> can be a string and can belong to any package because it is compared by STRING=.

Each SPEC is an alphabetical string designator, such as a symbol IJK or a string "IJK", where each alphabet is considered as an index. It signals a type-error when it contains any non-alpha char. Note that a symbol NIL is interpreted as an empty list rather than N, I and L.

Alternatively, each SPEC can be a list that contains a list of symbols. For example, ((i j) (j k) -> (i k)) and (ij jk -> ik) are equivalent.

When -> and the output SPECs are omitted, a single output is assumed and its spec is a union of the input specs. For example, (ij jk) is equivalent to (ij jk -> ijk). Note that (ij jk) and (ij jk ->) have the different meanings: The latter sums up all elements.


TRANSFORM is a list of element-wise operations. The number of TRANSFORM should correspond to the number of outputs. In each TRANSFORM, the elements in the input arrays can be referenced by $N, where N is a 1-indexed number. Similarly the output array can be referred to by @N.

For example, (ij ik -> (+ @1 (* $1 $2)) -> ik) is equivalent to (ij ik -> ik) (a GEMM).

By default, TRANSFORM is (+ @1 (* $1 ... $N)) for N inputs, which is equivalent to Einstein's summation.


The shape of each input array should unify against the corresponding input spec. For example, with a spec IJI, the input array should be of rank 3 as well as the 1st and the 3rd dimension of the input array should be the same.

The shape of each output array is determined by the corresponding output spec. For example, if SUBSCRIPTS is (ij jk -> ik), the output is an array of rank 2, and the output shape has the same dimension as the first input in the first axis, and the same dimension as the second input in the second axis.

If the output arrays are provided, their shapes and types are also checked against the corresponding output spec. The types should match the result of the numerical operations on the elements of the input arrays.

The outputs are calculated in the following rule.

  • The output array types are calculated based on the TRANSFORM, and the shapes are calcurated based on the SPEC and the input arrays.
  • The output arrays are allocated and initialized by zeros.
  • Einsum nests one loop for each index in the input specs. For example, (ij jk -> ik) results in a triple loop.
  • In the innermost loop, each array element is bound to $1..$N / @1..@N.
  • For each @i, i-th TRANSFORM is evaluated and assigned to @i.

  • If the same index appears multiple times in a single spec, they share the same value in each iteration. For example, (ii -> i) returns the diagonal elements of the matrix.

When TRANSFORMs are missing, it follows naturally from the default TRANSFORM values that

  • When an index used in the input spec is missing in the output spec, the axis is aggregated over the iteration by summation.
  • If the same index appears across the different input specs, the element values from the multiple input arrays are aggregated by multiplication. For example, (ij jk -> ik) will perform (setf (aref a2 i k) (* (aref a0 i j) (aref a1 j k))) when a0, a1 are the input arrays and a2 is the output array.

For example, (einsum '(ij jk) a b) is equivalent to:

 (dotimes (i <max> <output>)
   (dotimes (j <max>)
     (dotimes (k <max>)
       (setf (aref <output> i j k) (* (aref a i j) (aref b j k))))))


If SUBSCRIPTS is a constant, the compiler macro builds an iterator function and make them inlined. Otherwise, a new function is made in each call to einsum, resulting in a large bottleneck. (It could be memoized in the future.)

The nesting order of the loops are automatically decided based on the specs. The order affects the memory access pattern and therefore the performance due to the access locality. For example, when writing a GEMM which accesses three matrices by (setf (aref output i j) (* (aref a i k) (aref b k j))), it is well known that ikj-loop is the fastest among other loops, e.g. ijk-loop. EINSUM reorders the indices so that it maximizes the cache locality.


Function: (empty shape &key (type 'bit))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (empty-like array &key (type (array-element-type array)))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (exp x)


Function: (expand-dims a axes)

axes: an int or a list of ints


Function: (exponential scale &optional shape (type
                                               (type-of scale))))


Function: (eye n &key (m n) (k 0) (type 'bit))

Returns a matrix whose k-th diagnonal filled with 1. N,M specifies the shape of the return array. K will adjust the sub-diagonal -- positive K moves it upward.


Function: (f dfnum dfden &optional shape (type
                                          (union-to-float-type (type-of dfnum)
                                                               (type-of dfden))))


Function: (fceiling number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (ffloor number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (flatten a)


Function: (floor number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (fround number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (ftruncate number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (full shape value &key (type (type-of value)))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (full-like array value &key (type (array-element-type array)))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (gamma k &optional (theta 1.0) shape (type
                                                 (type-of k) (type-of theta))))




Function: (histogram array &key (low (amin array)) (high (amax array)) (split 1))

Returns a fixnum vector representing a histogram of values. The interval between LOW and HIGH are split by STEP value. All values less than LOW are put in the 0-th bucket; All values greater than equal to HIGH are put in the last bucket.



Function: (imagpart x)


Function: (inner a b &optional result)

Inner product of two vectors.


Function: (integer-length x)



NUMCL.EXPORTED:SHAPE Initargs: :shape Readers: numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-shape Writers: (setf numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-shape)


Initargs: :axis
Readers: numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-axis
Writers: (setf numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-axis)

#### subscripts

Initargs: :subscripts
Readers: numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-subscripts
Writers: (setf numcl.exported:invalid-array-index-error-subscripts)### kron

Function: (kron a b &optional result)

Compute the kronecker product of two vectors.



Function: (length array)


Function: (linspace start stop length &key type endpoint)


Function: (log x)


Function: (logand &rest args)


Function: (logandc1 &rest args)


Function: (logandc2 &rest args)


Function: (logcount x)


Function: (logeqv &rest args)


Function: (logior &rest args)



Function: (lognand &rest args)


Function: (lognor &rest args)



Function: (lognot x)


Function: (logorc1 &rest args)


Function: (logorc2 &rest args)



Function: (logxor &rest args)


Function: (map result-type function &rest sequences)


Function: (map-array function &rest sequences)


Function: (map-array-into result-sequence function &rest sequences)


Function: (map-into result-sequence function &rest sequences)


Function: (matmul a b &optional result)

Matrix product of two arrays.


Function: (max &rest args)


Function: (mean array &key axes)


Function: (min &rest args)


Function: (mod number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (multinomial n pvals &optional shape)

pvals is a sequence of probabilities summing up to 1.



Function: (negative-binomial n p &optional shape)




Function: (nonzero array)

collect multidimentional indices where the element is nonzero


Function: (normal &optional (mean 0.0) (var 1.0) shape (type
                                                         (type-of mean)
                                                         (type-of var))))



Function: (numcl-array-p array)

Returns true when ARRAY satisfies the NUMCL assumption, that is, an array displaced to a non-displaced 1D array.


Function: (numerator x)



Function: (ones shape &key (type 'bit))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (ones-like array &key (type (array-element-type array)))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (outer a b &optional result)

Compute the outer product of two vectors.



Function: (phase x)


Function: (poisson &optional (lambda 1.0) shape (type
                                                  (type-of lambda))))



Function: (prod array &rest args &key axes type)


Function: (rank array)



Function: (realpart x)


Function: (reduce-array fn array &key axes (type
                                            (%reduce-array-result-type array
                                                                       fn)) (initial-element


Function: (rem number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (reshape a shape)

Reshape the array while sharing the backing 1D array. -1 implies that the axis size is deduced from the other axes. At most one axis is allowed to be -1. T implies that the axis size is preserved. It can be used as many times, but only at the right/leftmost axes.

Example of reshaping (3 8 5):


(6 -1 10)     = (6 2 10)
(t 2 2 2 t)   = (3 2 2 2 5)
(3 t t)       = (3 8 5)
(2 -1 2 2 t)  = (2 3 2 2 5)


(2 t 2 2 t)


Function: (round number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (shape array)


Function: (shuffle array-or-sequence &key (start 0) end)

This code extends alexandria:shuffle. It additionally accepts arrays and shuffles the elements according to the first axis, viewing the remaining axes as one "element".

Original documentation:

Returns a random permutation of SEQUENCE bounded by START and END. Original sequence may be destructively modified, and (if it contains CONS or lists themselv) share storage with the original one. Signals an error if SEQUENCE is not a proper sequence.


Function: (signum x)


Function: (sin x)


Function: (sinh x)


Function: (size array)


Function: (sqrt x)


Function: (square x)


Function: (squeeze a)


Function: (stack arrays &key (axis 0) out)



Function: (standard-deviation array &key axes)






Function: (stdev array &key axes)


Function: (sum array &rest args &key axes type)


Function: (take array indices)

Collect the elements using a list of multidimentional indices (in a format returned by WHERE).


Function: (tan x)


Function: (tanh x)


Function: (to-simple-array array)

Returns a simple array of the equivalent contents.


Function: (transpose matrix &optional result)

Reverses the axes of an array.


Function: (tri n &key (m n) (k 0) (type 'bit))

Returns a triangle matrix whose lower diagnonal (including the diagonal) filled with 1. N,M specifies the shape of the return array. K will adjust the sub-diagonal -- positive K fills more 1s.



Function: (tril matrix &optional (k 0))

Returns the copy of matrix with elements above the k-th diagonal zeroed. Positive K fills less 0s.


Function: (triu matrix &optional (k 0))

Returns the copy of matrix with elements below the k-th diagonal zeroed. Positive K fills more 0s.


Function: (truncate number &optional (divisor 1))


Function: (uniform &optional (low 0.0) (high 1.0) shape type)


Function: (unstack array &key (axis 0))


Function: (vander v &key (n (length v)) increasing)

Returns a matrix where M[i,j] == V[i]^(N-j) when increasing is false (default), and M[i,j] == V[i]^j when increasing is true.


Function: (var array &key axes)


Function: (variance array &key axes)


Function: (vdot a b &optional result)

Dot product of two vectors. For complex values, the first value is conjugated.





Function: (where array fn)

Returns a list of list of indices of the elements which satisfies the predicate FN. The first list contains the indices for the 1st dimension, the second list contains the indices for the 2nd dimension, and so on.


Function: (zeros shape &key (type 'bit))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.


Function: (zeros-like array &key (type (array-element-type array)))

Equivalent of the same function in numpy. Note the default type difference.

  • empty : does not explicitly fill the array. In an unsafe compiler setting, junk value may appear.
  • full : fill the array with a certain value.
  • zeros, ones : fill the array with zeros / ones. type affects the actual value being filled.
  • X-like : similar to above functions, but takes another array and returns the array of the same shape.



Common Lisp Types

Common Lisp has the following types for numbers.

number = (or complex real)
real   = (or float rational)
rational = (or ratio integer)
integer  = (or fixnum bignum)
float    = (or short-float ... long-float) (== irrational).

Common Lisp defines several rules for the type of the values returned by the numerical operations. The detail of the rules are explained in CLHS 12.1 Number Concepts.

Rational functions behave as rational* -> rational, float* -> float, {rational,float}* -> float. This rule is called float contagion rule.

Rational functions do not guarantee integer -> integer, primarily due to / , which returns integer* -> (or ratio integer).

Irrational functions behaves as rational -> (or rational float), float -> float: For a certain irrational functions, implementations are allowed to return the exact rational number or its float approximation. Examples are (sin pi) -> 1/2. The behavior depends on the implementation and is called float substitution rule.

Array Representation Details

NUMCL arrays are not based on custom classes or structures. They are merely the displaced multidimentional arrays.

In order to guarantee the speed and to simplify the implementation, the arrays given to numcl functions must satisfy the following two conditions:

  • It is a specialized array. Things of type (array single-float), (array (unsigned-byte 16)) etc.
  • It is an array displaced to a simple 1D specialized array. "Simple array" means a non-displaced, non-adjustable array without fill pointer.

The base function for creating a new array is %make-array, but this is not exported in NUMCL. You should use the wrapper functions like ones, zeros, ones-like, arange, linspace, asarray etc. They are always inline-expanded to %make-array, therefore there is no worry about the performance. These functions analyze the input and return the most specialized array for the input, but you can also specify the element type.

%make-array instantiates a new flattened array and returns another array displaced to it with the specified shape. The flattened array is returned as the secondary value (as does most other numcl functions).

The justification for this scheme is that some implementations (esp. SBCL) require an indirection for accessing the array element (e.g. through array-header in SBCL) even for a simple multi-dimentional array and thus using a displacing array has essentially no performance penalty over using a simple multi-dimentional array.

We also ensure that the length of the base arrays are the multiples of 8. This ensures that the program can safely iterate over the extended region with a future support for SIMD operations in mind.

Masataro Asai ( Licensed under LGPL v3. Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation