fiveam - Regression Testing Framework

Version: 1.4.1
Nickname: 5am
Licence: BSD
Repository: sionescu/fiveam - Github
See also: awesome-cl#unit-testing

This documentation was possible due to Tomek Kurez's tutorial on fiveam and the excellent official documentation.

In case of any inaccuracies, ambiguities or suggestions, please create an issue here.


Checks and Tests

A check, defined using the macro is, is a line of code that makes sure something is indeed true. A basic check definition is of the form (is test &rest reason-args).

However, checks can only be defined in the context of tests:

(test test-demo
  "This demonstrates the basic use of test and check."
  (is (listp (list 1 2)))
  (is (= 5 (+ 2 3)) "This should pass.")  ; &rest reason-args
  (is (= 4 4.1) "~D and ~D are not = to each other." 4 4.1))

To run the test, simply, call run!:

(run! 'test-demo)
;; Running test TEST-DEMO ..f
;;  Did 3 checks.
;;     Pass: 2 (66%)
;;     Skip: 0 ( 0%)
;;     Fail: 1 (33%)
;;  Failure Details:
;;  --------------------------------
;;  TEST-DEMO [This demonstrates the basic use of test and check.]: 
;;       4 and 4.1 are not = to each other.
;; (= 4 4.1)
;;  was NIL..
;;  --------------------------------

Tests can automatically be run on (re)compilation by setting *run-test-when-defined* to t. So, simply compiling

(test another-test (is (eq t t)))
;; Running test ANOTHER-TEST .
;;  Did 1 check.
;;     Pass: 1 (100%)
;;     Skip: 0 ( 0%)
;;     Fail: 0 ( 0%)

runs the test. (Also see other Configuration Variables.)

(run!) can be called without arguments to run all the tests.


Tests can be grouped into suites. In fact, suites can also parent other suites.

Suites can be defined using def-suite, and similar to* in-package, the current suite can be specified using in-suite.

(def-suite suite-one)
(def-suite suite-two)

(in-suite suite-one)

(test first-test (is (= 1 1)))
(test (second-test :suite suite-two) ; perhaps, not recommended
  (is (null nil)))

(in-suite suite-two)

(test third-test (is (eq 'done 'done)))

All tests can be run with run-all-tests. Also see the arguments to run!.

;; Running test suite NIL
;;  Running test FIRST-TEST .
;;  Running test THIRD-TEST .
;; Running test suite SUITE-TWO
;;  Running test SECOND-TEST .
;;  Did 3 checks.
;;     Pass: 3 (100%)
;;     Skip: 0 ( 0%)
;;     Fail: 0 ( 0%)

More Things



T if we should drop into the debugger on error, NIL otherwise. OBSOLETE: superseded by *ON-ERROR*


T if we should drop into the debugger on a failing check, NIL otherwise. OBSOLETE: superseded by *ON-FAILURE*



Number of total times we attempt to run the body of the FOR-ALL test including when the body is skipped due to failed guard conditions.

Since we have guard conditions we may get into infinite loops where the test code is never run due to the guards never returning true. This second run limit prevents that.


Number of times we attempt to run the body of the FOR-ALL test.


The action to perform on error: - :DEBUG if we should drop into the debugger - :BACKTRACE to print a backtrace - NIL to simply continue


The action to perform on check failure: - :DEBUG if we should drop into the debugger - :BACKTRACE to print a backtrace - NIL to simply continue

T if we should print test running progress, NIL otherwise.


When non-NIL tests are run as soon as they are defined.



T if we should print the expression failing, NIL otherwise.



Function: (!)

Rerun the most recently run test and explain the results.


Function: (!!)

Rerun the second most recently run test and explain the results.


Function: (!!!)

Rerun the third most recently run test and explain the results.


Function: (debug! &optional (test-spec *suite*))

Calls (run! test-spec) but enters the debugger if any kind of error happens.


Macro: (def-fixture name (&rest args) &body body)

Defines a fixture named NAME. A fixture is very much like a macro but is used only for simple templating. A fixture created with DEF-FIXTURE is a macro which can use the special macrolet &BODY to specify where the body should go.



Macro: (def-suite name &key description in)

Define a new test-suite named NAME.

IN (a symbol), if provided, causes this suite te be nested in the suite named by IN. NB: This macro is built on top of make-suite, as such it, like make-suite, will overrwrite any existing suite named NAME.


Macro: (def-suite* name &rest def-suite-args)


Macro: (def-test name (&key depends-on (suite) fixture (compile-at) profile) &body body)

Create a test named NAME.

NAME is the symbol which names the test.

DEPENDS-ON is a list of the form:

(AND . test-names) - This test is run only if all of the tests in TEST-NAMES have passed, otherwise a single test-skipped result is generated.

(OR . test-names) - If any of TEST-NAMES has passed this test is run, otherwise a test-skipped result is generated.

(NOT test-name) - This is test is run only if TEST-NAME failed.

AND, OR and NOT can be combined to produce complex dependencies.

If DEPENDS-ON is a symbol it is interpreted as `(AND ,depends-on), this is accomadate the common case of one test depending on another.

FIXTURE specifies a fixture to wrap the body in.

If PROFILE is T profiling information will be collected as well.


Function: (explain! result-list)

Explain the results of RESULT-LIST using a detailed-text-explainer with output going to test-dribble. Return a boolean indicating whether no tests failed.


Macro: (fail &rest message-args)

Simply generate a FAIL.


Macro: (finishes &body body)

Generates a pass if BODY executes to normal completion. In other words if body does signal, return-from or throw this test fails.


Macro: (for-all bindings &body body)

Bind BINDINGS to random variables and test BODY num-trials times.

BINDINGS is a list of binding forms, each element is a list of (BINDING VALUE &optional GUARD). Value, which is evaluated once when the for-all is evaluated, must return a generator which be called each time BODY is evaluated. BINDING is either a symbol or a list which will be passed to destructuring-bind. GUARD is a form which, if present, stops BODY from executing when IT returns NIL. The GUARDS are evaluated after all the random data has been generated and they can refer to the current value of any binding. NB: Generator forms, unlike guard forms, can not contain references to the bound variables.


  (for-all ((a (gen-integer)))
    (is (integerp a)))

  (for-all ((a (gen-integer) (plusp a)))
    (is (integerp a))
    (is (plusp a)))

  (for-all ((less (gen-integer))
            (more (gen-integer) (< less more)))
    (is (<= less more)))

  (for-all (((a b) (gen-two-integers)))
    (is (integerp a))
    (is (integerp b)))


Function: (gen-buffer &key
                      (length (gen-integer min 0 max 50))
                      (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
                      (elements (gen-integer :min 0 :max (1- (expt 2 8)))))


Function: (gen-character &key
                         (code-limit char-code-limit)
                         (code (gen-integer :min 0 :max (1- code-limit)))
                         (alphanumericp nil))

Returns a generator of characters.

CODE must be a generator of random integers. ALPHANUMERICP, if non-NIL, limits the returned chars to those which pass alphanumericp.


Function: (gen-float &key bound (type 'short-float))

Returns a generator which produces floats of type TYPE. BOUND, if specified, constrains the results to be in the range (-BOUND, BOUND).


Function: (gen-integer &key
                       (max (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
                       (min (1- most-negative-fixnum)))

Returns a generator which produces random integers greater than or equal to MIN and less than or equal to MAX.


Function: (gen-list &key
                    (length (gen-integer :min 0 :max 10))
                    (elements (gen-integer :min -10 :max 10)))

Returns a generator which produces random lists. LENGTH must be an integer generator and ELEMENTS must be a generator which produces objects.


Function: (gen-one-element &rest elements)


Function: (gen-string &key
                      (length (gen-integer :min 0 :max 80))
                      (elements (gen-character))
                      (element-type 'character))

Returns a generator which produces random strings. LENGTH must be a generator which produces integers, ELEMENTS must be a generator which produces characters of type ELEMENT-TYPE.


Function: (gen-tree &key (size 20) (elements (gen-integer :min -10 :max 10)))

Returns a generator which produces random trees. SIZE controls the approximate size of the tree, but don't try anything above 30, you have been warned. ELEMENTS must be a generator which will produce the elements.


Function: (get-fixture key &optional default)


Function: (get-test key &optional default)


Macro: (in-suite suite-name)

Set the suite special variable so that all tests defined after the execution of this form are, unless specified otherwise, in the test-suite named SUITE-NAME.



Macro: (in-suite* suite-name &key in)

Just like in-suite, but silently creates missing suites.


Macro: (is test &rest reason-args)

The DWIM checking operator.

If TEST returns a true value a test-passed result is generated, otherwise a test-failure result is generated. The reason, unless REASON-ARGS is provided, is generated based on the form of TEST:

(predicate expected actual) - Means that we want to check whether, according to PREDICATE, the ACTUAL value is in fact what we EXPECTED.

(predicate value) - Means that we want to ensure that VALUE satisfies PREDICATE.

Wrapping the TEST form in a NOT simply produces a negated reason string.


Macro: (is-every predicate &body clauses)

The input is either a list of lists, or a list of pairs. Generates (is (,predicate ,expr ,value)) for each pair of elements or (is (,predicate ,expr ,value) ,@reason) for each list.


Macro: (is-false condition &rest reason-args)

Generates a pass if CONDITION returns false, generates a failure otherwise. Like IS-TRUE, and unlike IS, IS-FALSE does not inspect CONDITION to determine what reason to give it case of test failure


Macro: (is-true condition &rest reason-args)

Like IS this check generates a pass if CONDITION returns true and a failure if CONDITION returns false. Unlike IS this check does not inspect CONDITION to determine how to report the failure.



Function: (make-suite name &key description ((in parent-suite)))

Create a new test suite object.

Overrides any existing suite named NAME.



Macro: (pass &rest message-args)

Simply generate a PASS.


Function: (rem-fixture key)


Function: (rem-test key)


Function: (results-status result-list)

Given a list of test results (generated while running a test) return true if no results are of type TEST-FAILURE. Returns second and third values, which are the set of failed tests and skipped tests respectively.


Function: (run test-spec &key (print-names *print-names*))

Run the test specified by TEST-SPEC.

TEST-SPEC can be either a symbol naming a test or test suite, or a testable-object object. This function changes the operations performed by the !, !! and !!! functions.


Function: (run! &optional (test-spec *suite*)
                &key (print-names *print-names*))

Equivalent to (explain! (run TEST-SPEC)).


Function: (run-all-tests &key (summary :end))

Runs all defined test suites, T if all tests passed and NIL otherwise. SUMMARY can be :END to print a summary at the end, :SUITE to print it after each suite or NIL to skip explanations.


Macro: (signals condition-spec &body body)

Generates a pass if BODY signals a condition of type CONDITION. BODY is evaluated in a block named NIL, CONDITION is not evaluated.


Macro: (skip &rest reason)

Generates a TEST-SKIPPED result.


Macro: (test name &body body)

Create a test named NAME. If NAME is a list it must be of the form:

  (name &key depends-on suite fixture compile-at profile)

NAME is the symbol which names the test.

DEPENDS-ON is a list of the form:

  • (AND . test-names) - This test is run only if all of the tests in TEST-NAMES have passed, otherwise a single test-skipped result is generated.

  • (OR . test-names) - If any of TEST-NAMES has passed this test is run, otherwise a test-skipped result is generated.

  • (NOT test-name) - This is test is run only if TEST-NAME failed.

AND, OR and NOT can be combined to produce complex dependencies.

If DEPENDS-ON is a symbol it is interpreted as `(AND ,depends-on), this is accomadate the common case of one test depending on another.

FIXTURE specifies a fixture to wrap the body in.

If PROFILE is T profiling information will be collected as well.


Function: (test-names)


Macro: (with-fixture fixture-name (&rest args) &body body)

Insert BODY into the fixture named FIXTURE-NAME.