cl-ppcre - Regular Expressions

Version: 2.1.1
Licence: BSD
Nickname: ppcre
Repository: edicl/cl-ppcre - Github
See also: awesome-cl/#regex

This documentation is possible the excellent official documentation as of 4th May 2020.

In case of any inaccuracies, ambiguities or suggestions, please create an issue here.

CL-PPCRE is a Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions library for Common Lisp. This is also thread-safe, and allows specifying regular expressions using S-expressions.


Using perl regex

Per the name, cl-ppcre is more or less compatible with perl 5.8 including extended features like non-greedy repetitions, positive and negative look-ahead and look-behind assertions, "standalone" subexpressions, and conditional subpatterns. The following Perl features are (currently) not supported:

  • (?{ code }) and (??{ code }) because they obviously don't make sense in Lisp.
  • \N{name} (named characters), \x{263a} (wide hex characters), \l, \u, \L, and \U because they're actually not part of Perl's regex syntax - but see CL-INTERPOL.
  • \X (extended Unicode), and \C (single character). But you can of course use all characters supported by your CL implementation.
  • Posix character classes like [[:alpha]]. Load (asdf:load-system :cl-ppcre-unicode) to install unicode-preperty-resolver as your property-resolver. See cl-unicode for the supported unicode properties and their naming conventions.
  • \G for Perl's pos() because we don't have it.

Note, however, that \t, \n, \r, \f, \a, \e, \033 (octal character codes), \x1B (hexadecimal character codes), \c[ (control characters), \w, \W, \s, \S, \d, \D, \b, \B, \A, \Z, and \z are supported.

Users can straightaway start with:

Register groups simply refer to the captured groups. For instance:

CL-USER> (register-groups-bind (a b) ("([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)" "hello world")
           (list a b))
("hello" "world")

See the other macros for iterative versions of these.

Those wanting to get into perl regular expressions, might find their official documentation useful.

Users comfortable with regular expressions might also want to try cl-interpol - which provides string interpolation facilities to the lisp reader. (Yes, it's defacto!)

Using s-expressions

The basics:

+------- Common Lisp Equivalent -------+----------- Perl Equivalent -----------+
| String / Character                   | Literal treatment                     |
| :void                                | Empty string                          |
| :everything                          | Dot                                   |
| :(non-)word-boundary                 | \b, \B (non)                          |
| :(non-)digit-class                   | \d, \D (non)                          |
| :(non-)word-char-class               | \w, \W (non)                          |
| :(non-)whitespace-char-class         | \s, \S (non)                          |
| :start/end-anchor                    | ^ [start], $ [end                     |
| :modeless-start/end-anchor           | \A [start], \Z [end]                  |
| :modeless-end-anchor-no-newline      | \z                                    |
| :case-(in)sensitive-p                | (?i), (?-i) [insensitive]             |
| :(not)-multi-line-mode-p             | (?m), (?-m) [not]                     |
| :(not)-single-line-mode-p            | (?s), (?-s) [not]                     |
| (anything else)                      | Syntax Error                          |

Simple combinations include :sequence, :group, :flags, :register, :greedy-repetition, :non-greedy-repetition. You could play around with parse-string to learn more about the equivalence.

For instance:

* (parse-string "(ab)*")

* (parse-string "(a(b))")

* (parse-string "(?:abc){3,5}")
;; (:GREEDY-REPETITION 3 5 "abc") would also be OK

* (parse-string "a(?i)b(?-i)c")

* (parse-string "(?=a)b")

* (parse-string "aa|aaa")
(:ALTERNATION "aa" "aaa")

See the manual for the more detailed equivalence.

Thus, you could equivalently use parse-trees for the functions and macros that expect regex.

* (all-matches-as-strings '(:greedy-repetition 1 nil #\a) "aaaa")

Performance Aspects

cl-ppcre was intended to be fast. Indeed, when it first appeared, it was perhaps the fastest.

However, in 2020, it can be five times as slow as Perl:

time perl -e '"@{['x' x 50000000]}" =~ /([xy])*/'

real    0m0.245s
user    0m0.161s
sys     0m0.084s
CL-USER> (time (progn
                 (scan "([xy])*"
                       (make-string 50000000 :element-type 'base-char
                                    :initial-element #\x))
Evaluation took:
  1.116 seconds of real time
  1.115901 seconds of total run time (1.111972 user, 0.003929 system)
  100.00% CPU
  2,463,959,814 processor cycles
  50,000,032 bytes consed

But still (more than) 5 times faster than python:

time python3 -c 'import re; x ="([xy])*", "x"*50000000)'

real    0m7.458s
user    0m4.563s
sys     0m2.892s

Or slower as well:

$ ~ time python3 -c 'import re; x ="x*", "x"*50000000)'

real    0m0.146s
user    0m0.109s
sys     0m0.036s

Honestly, though, it should be possible to use implementation specific means to speed things up - or copying the developments in the perl and/or python world.

Perhaps, see the manual for hints on speeding things up.



Function: (all-matches regex target-string
            &key (start 0) (end (length target-string)))

Returns a list containing the start and end positions of all matches of regex against target-string, i.e. if there are N matches the list contains (* 2 N) elements. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match.


Function: (all-matches-as-strings regex target-string
            &key (start 0) (end (length target-string)) sharedp)

Returns a list containing all substrings of target-string which match regex. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string.


Function: (create-optimized-test-function test-function
            &key (start 0) (end *regex-char-code-limit*)
              (kind *optimize-char-classes*))

Given a unary test function which is applicable to characters returns a function which yields the same boolean results for all characters with character codes from start to (excluding) end. If kind is nil, test-function will simply be returned. Otherwise, kind should be one of:

  • :hash-table - builds a hash table representing all characters which satisfy the test and returns a closure which checks if a character is in that hash table

  • :charset - instead of a hash table uses a "charset" which is a data structure using non-linear hashing and optimized to represent (sparse) sets of characters in a fast and space-efficient way (contributed by Nikodemus Siivola)

  • :charmap - instead of a hash table uses a bit vector to represent the set of characters

You can also use :hash-table* or :charset* which are like :hash-table and :charset but use the complement of the set if the set contains more than half of all characters between start and end. This saves space but needs an additional pass across all characters to create the data structure. There is no corresponding :charmap* kind as the bit vectors are already created to cover the smallest possible interval which contains either the set or its complement.


Function: (create-scanner regex
            &key case-insensitive-mode multi-line-mode 
              single-line-mode extended-mode destructive)

Accepts a regular expression - either as a parse-tree or as a string - and returns a scan closure which will scan strings for this regular expression and a list mapping registers to their names (nil stands for unnamed ones). The "mode" keyword arguments are equivalent to the imsx modifiers in Perl. If destructive is not nil, the function is allowed to destructively modify its first argument (but only if it's a parse tree).

(More in the manual!)


Macro: (define-parse-tree-synonym name parse-tree)

Defines the symbol name to be a synonym for the parse tree parse-tree. Both arguments are quoted.


Macro: (do-matches (match-start match-end regex target-string
                     &optional result-form &key start end)
         &body body)

Iterates over target-string and tries to match regex as often as possible evaluating body with match-start and match-end bound to the start/end positions of each match in turn. After the last match, returns result-form if provided or nil otherwise. An implicit block named nil surrounds do-matches; return may be used to terminate the loop immediately. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. body may start with declarations.


Macro: (do-matches-as-strings
           (match-var regex target-string 
             &optional result-form &key start end sharedp)
         &body body)

Iterates over target-string and tries to match regex as often as possible evaluating body with match-var bound to the substring of target-string corresponding to each match in turn. After the last match, returns result-form if provided or nil otherwise. An implicit block named nil surrounds do-matches-as-strings; return may be used to terminate the loop immediately. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string. body may start with declarations.


Macro: (do-register-groups
            (regex target-string 
               &optional result-form &key start end sharedp)
          &body body)

Iterates over target-string and tries to match regex as often as possible evaluating body with the variables in var-list bound to the corresponding register groups for each match in turn, i.e. each variable is either bound to a string or to nil. For each element of var-list which is nil there's no binding to the corresponding register group. The number of variables in var-list must not be greater than the number of register groups. After the last match, returns result-form if provided or nil otherwise. An implicit block named nil surrounds do-register-groups; return may be used to terminate the loop immediately. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string. body may start with declarations.


Macro: (do-scans (match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends regex target-string
                    &optional result-form &key start end) 
          &body body)

Iterates over target-string and tries to match regex as often as possible evaluating BODY with match-start, match-end, reg-starts, and reg-ends bound to the four return values of each match in turn. After the last match, returns result-form if provided or nil otherwise. An implicit block named nil surrounds do-scans; return may be used to terminate the loop immediately. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. body may start with declarations.


Function: (parse-string string)

Translate the regex string string into a parse tree.


Function: (parse-tree-synonym symbol)

Returns the parse tree the symbol symbol is a synonym for. Returns nil is symbol wasn't yet defined to be a synonym.


Every error signaled by CL-PPCRE is of type ppcre-error. This is a direct subtype of simple-error without any additional slots or options.


Errors of type ppcre-invocation-error are signaled if one of the exported functions of CL-PPCRE is called with wrong or inconsistent arguments. This is a direct subtype of ppcre-error without any additional slots or options.


An error of type ppcre-syntax-error is signaled if CL-PPCRE's parser encounters an error when trying to parse a regex string or to convert a parse tree into its internal representation. This is a direct subtype of ppcre-error with two additional slots. These denote the regex string which HTML-PPCRE was parsing and the position within the string where the error occurred. If the error happens while CL-PPCRE is converting a parse tree, both of these slots contain NIL. (See the next two entries on how to access these slots.)


Function: (ppcre-syntax-error-pos condition)

Returns the position within the string where the error occurred (or nil if the error happened while trying to convert a parse tree


Function: (ppcre-syntax-error-string condition)

Returns the string the parser was parsing when the error was encountered (or nil if the error happened while trying to convert a parse tree).


Function: (quote-meta-chars string &key (start 0) (end (length string)))

Quote, i.e. prefix all non-word characters in string with #\\.


Function: (regex-apropos regex &optional packages &key (case-insensitive t))

Similar to the standard function apropos but returns a list of all symbols which match the regular expression REGEX. If case-insensitive is true and regex isn't already a scanner, a case-insensitive scanner is used.


Function: (regex-apropos-list regex &optional packages &key (case-insensitive t))

Similar to the standard function apropos-list but returns a list of all symbols which match the regular expression regex. If case-insensitive is true and regex isn't already a scanner, a case-insensitive scanner is used.


Function: (regex-replace regex target-string replacement
             &key (start 0) (end (length target-string))
               preserve-case simple-calls
               (element-type 'character))

Try to match target-string between start and end against regex and replace the first match with replacement. Two values are returned; the modified string, and t if regex matched or nil otherwise.

replacement can be a string which may contain the special substrings "\&" for the whole match, "`" for the part of target-string before the match, "\'" for the part of target-string after the match, "\N" or "{N}" for the Nth register where N is a positive integer.

replacement can also be a function designator in which case the match will be replaced with the result of calling the function designated by replacement with the arguments target-string, start, end, match-start, match-end, reg-starts, and reg-ends. (reg-starts and reg-ends are arrays holding the start and end positions of matched registers or nil - the meaning of the other arguments should be obvious.)

Finally, replacement can be a list where each element is a string, one of the symbols :match, :before-match, or :after-match - corresponding to "\&", "`", and "\'" above -, an integer N - representing register (1+ N) -, or a function designator.

If preserve-case is true, the replacement will try to preserve the case (all upper case, all lower case, or capitalized) of the match. The result will always be a fresh string, even if regex doesn't match.

element-type is the element type of the resulting string.


Function: (regex-replace-all regex target-string replacement
             &key (start 0) (end (length target-string))
             preserve-case simple-calls 
             (element-type 'character))

Try to match target-string between start and end against regex and replace all matches with replacement. Two values are returned; the modified string, and T if regex matched or nil otherwise.

replacement can be a string which may contain the special substrings "\&" for the whole match, "`" for the part of target-string before the match, "\'" for the part of target-string after the match, "\N" or "{N}" for the Nth register where N is a positive integer.

replacement can also be a function designator in which case the match will be replaced with the result of calling the function designated by replacement with the arguments target-string, start, end, match-start, match-end, reg-starts, and reg-ends. (reg-starts and reg-ends are arrays holding the start and end positions of matched registers or nil - the meaning of the other arguments should be obvious.)

Finally, replacement can be a list where each element is a string, one of the symbols :match, :before-match, or :after-match - corresponding to "\&", "`", and "\'" above -, an integer N - representing register (1+ N) -, or a function designator.

If preserve-case is true, the replacement will try to preserve the case (all upper case, all lower case, or capitalized) of the match. The result will always be a fresh string, even if regex doesn't match.

element-type is the element type of the resulting string.


Macro: (register-groups-bind var-list
            (regex target-string &key start end sharedp) 
          &body body)

Executes body with the variables in var-list bound to the corresponding register groups after target-string has been matched against regex, i.e. each variable is either bound to a string or to nil. If there is no match, body is not executed. For each element of var-list which is nil there's no binding to the corresponding register group. The number of variables in var-list must not be greater than the number of register groups. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string.


Function: (scan regex target-string &key start end real-start-pos)

Searches target-string from start to end and tries to match regex. On success returns four values - the start of the match, the end of the match, and two arrays denoting the beginnings and ends of register matches. On failure returns nil. regex can be a string which will be parsed according to Perl syntax, a parse tree, or a pre-compiled scanner created by create-scanner. target-string will be coerced to a simple string if it isn't one already. The real-start-pos parameter should be ignored - it exists only for internal purposes.


Function: (scan-to-strings regex target-string
             &key (start 0) (end (length target-string)) sharedp)

Like scan but returns substrings of target-string instead of positions, i.e. this function returns two values on success: the whole match as a string plus an array of substrings (or nils) corresponding to the matched registers. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string.


Function: (split regex target-string
             &key (start 0) (end (length target-string))
               limit with-registers-p omit-unmatched-p sharedp)

Matches regex against target-string as often as possible and returns a list of the substrings between the matches. If with-registers-p is true, substrings corresponding to matched registers are inserted into the list as well. If omit-unmatched-p is true, unmatched registers will simply be left out, otherwise they will show up as nil. limit limits the number of elements returned - registers aren't counted. If limit is nil (or 0 which is equivalent), trailing empty strings are removed from the result list. If regex matches an empty string the scan is continued one position behind this match. If sharedp is true, the substrings may share structure with target-string.



Whether the parser should support AllegroCL's named registers (?<name>"<regex>") and back-reference \k syntax.


Whether the parser should support Perl's \Q and \E.


Controls whether scanners will optimistically look ahead for a constant suffix of a regular expression, if there is one.


Whether character classes should be compiled into look-ups into O(1) data structures. This is usually fast but will be costly in terms of scanner creation time and might be costly in terms of size if *regex-char-code-limit* is high. This value will be used as the :kind keyword argument to create-optimized-test-function - see there for the possible non-NIL values.


Should be NIL or a designator for a function which accepts strings and returns unary character test functions or NIL. This 'resolver' is intended to handle character properties' like \p{IsAlpha}. If *property-resolver* is NIL, then the parser will simply treat \p and \P as #\p and #\P as in older versions of CL-PPCRE.


The upper exclusive bound on the char-codes of characters which can occur in character classes. Change this value BEFORE creating scanners if you don't need the (full) Unicode support of implementations like AllegroCL, CLISP, LispWorks, or SBCL.


Whether the scanners created by create-scanner should use the (fast but large) Boyer-Moore-Horspool matchers.


The development version of cl-ppcre can be found on github. Please use the github issue tracking system to submit bug reports. Patches are welcome, please use GitHub pull requests. If you want to make a change, please read this first.